The series follows the life of San Francisco-based Christopher Chance (Mark Valley), a unique private contractor, bodyguard and security expert hired to protect his clients. Rather than taking on the target's identity himself (as in the comic book version), he protects his clients by completely integrating himself into their lives, to become a "Human Target". Chance is accompanied by his business partner Winston (Chi McBride) and hired gun Guerrero (Jackie Earle Haley).
Episode 01 - Pilot - Watch!! or Download!!
Episode 02 - Rewind - Watch!! or Download!!
Episode 03 - Embassy Row - Watch!! or Download!!
Episode 04 - Sanctuary - Watch!! or Download!!
Epiosde 05 - Run - Watch!! or Download!!
Episode 06 - Lockdown - Watch!! or Download!!
Episode 07 - Salvage and Reclamation - Watch!! or Download!!
Episode 08 - Baptiste - Watch!! or Download!!
Episode 09 - Corner Man - Watch!! or Download!!
Episode 10 - Tanarak - Watch!! or Download!!
Episode 11 - Victoria - Watch!! or Download!!
Episode 12 - Christopher Chance - Watch!! or Download!!
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are there season 2 for this?